about us

Change, the only constant, is very often brought about by the simple actions of ordinary people. Here we deal with the women of India, some recognised, some celebrated, but all of them the protagonists of their own stories. These are the stories of real people, real lives, private crusades and extraordinary change, both personal and societal.

Future Ideas wants to understand these changes and the lives of the women who fuel it. Bindi Bottoms is a platform designed to decipher the ever-changing Indian woman in real-time research mode. It aims to unravel the changing beliefs, aspirations, attitudes and behaviour of today’s women. Their stories of conflict, their experiences and their aspirations help us map patterns and predict ways in which we can serve them as consumers, as citizens of a community, and as individuals. In the process we also hope to decode the story of societal change across different life stages and diverse geographies as India evolves.

Vatsala Shrivastava, Story Hunter

Vatsala has worked with a leading English daily in various editorial roles and written extensively on theatre and art. She co-founded Represent, a project focused on collection of stories all over the world. Feel free to reach out to her at sendabindi@gmail.com

Bindi Bottoms